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Fifth Saturday of Easter. Acts 16:1-10, John 15:18-21

We are often more comfortable with the familiar than with the unfamiliar. However, a little over familiarity breeds contempt. Jesus was treated unfairly by His persecutors because they neither knew him nor the one who sent him. Of course they knew him as the son of Mary, but never as the son of God. The lack in their knowledge of Him blinded their eyes and consciences. Christians suffering persecution pass through the same thing. Their persecutors lack knowledge of the Father. Do we know the Father? Have we encountered him in the Son? Many Christians know the Father, but only intellectually. They cannot give any testimony of the father’s love. Probably because they haven’t allowed their hearts to love much. When we hate the other, we may have good knowledge of him or her, but lack knowledge of the Father who made him or her. Every creature is loved by God. If we can’t love them because we know them (probably their wrong deeds), then let us love them because God is their Father and our Father. Much can be achieved with that.